What can I expect?
We know attending any church for the first time can be intimidating but it can be a little easier if you know what to expect. When you arrive, you can expect a warm welcome and help from our team to find a seat and enjoy the service. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most common questions about our worship services.
Where do I park and enter the building?
There are no assigned parking spaces at Maple Grove, so feel comfortable choosing any open space. Most enter our church using the glass double doors.
Our facility is handicap accessible, with handicap accommodations in the parking lot and restrooms. We also have elevator access, if needed.
What should I wear?
We want people to be comfortable. You’ll find a wide variety of styles, but generally people dress casually.
Will I be singled out if I am new?
If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you or single you out in any way. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a little while – and that’s fine with us! Come in, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.
What are worship services like and how long do they last?
Our worship services typically last an hour, or a little more. Feel free to sit anywhere (no assigned seats here!). A basic service includes singing, sharing, praying, scriptures, and a sermon. Other occasional worship times include things like mission moments, children’s lessons, dedications, baptisms, special music, and more.
Does your church take Communion?
We have communion two times per year: once during Holy week before Easter, then again on World Communion Day in October. During our Spring communion, there is an opportunity (not requirement) for foot washing. We are not opposed to having communion more often, but our practice has been twice per year.
Am I required to give money?
Our congregation is a generous congregation, and you will find various opportunities to contribute to congregational, local, and international ministries. While you are not obligated to give, we believe our offerings are an act of worship for the ways God has generously blessed us. We hope whatever giving you would choose to do would be done with a heart of joy and gratitude, not compulsion or guilt. For worship, there are offering plates outside the auditorium for those desiring to give.
What is the music like?
We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and newer worship songs. We seek to emphasize congregational singing and do our best to accommodate the voices of God’s people with our musical accompaniment. We hope you will be uplifted by the singing, and we encourage you to join with us in heartfelt worship to God. Currently, we alternate between traditional hymns one Sunday and more contemporary music the next. Occasionally we sing acapella, but most singing has some instrumental accompaniment.
What will my children do during the service?
We occasionally have children’s church in the lower level during Worship Service for ages 4 through Grade 5. We also, from time to time, offer a children’s lesson during Worship Service. The children gather at the front of the auditorium for a brief object lesson that is often equally enjoyable for adults.
A nursery is available during Sunday School and Worship Service for infants through age 3, although it is not regularly staffed. Parents are welcome to use the nursery as needed. One is conveniently located at the rear of the main sanctuary. A larger one is located in the fellowship hall wing.
What do people do after service?
We encourage people to stay for a little while after service and fellowship with one another. Some of the best church fellowship happens in these informal times. Very rarely are people in a hurry to leave. Feel free to linger afterwards so we can have an opportunity to meet and get to know you.
“The warm and welcoming atmosphere and mission-based focus, both locally and abroad, are just some of the reasons this congregation makes me want to come back each Sunday!”
— Jared